Celtics in Mission

About Celtics in Mission

“Celtics in Mission” is our multi-faceted approach to Christian service at OLPH. Through this program we guide students to:

  • make connections between the outreach service projects that they are doing and the teachings of the Catholic Church as revealed in Scripture, Church documents, papal teachings, and saintly role models. [KNOWLEDGE]
  • grow in their empathy for others and in having a heart for serving others. [LOVE]
  • experience direct hands-on service to others as an integrated part of their lives. [SERVICE]

Celtics in Mission Prayer

Dear God,
help us to be faithful Celtics in Mission,
using our Knowledge, Love, and Service for the good of others.

Let our minds be open to learning about people who are in need.
Let our hearts be open to being with people who are different from us.
Let our hands be open to serving people beyond ourselves.

Allow me to understand the needs of others.
Allow me to give of myself without expecting to receive.
Allow me to serve others with a joyful heart.

Help me to serve as You serve,
knowing that every kindness given to another really does matter.

With Jesus as our example,
and His Mother as our guide,
we can be Celtics in Mission for the life of the world.


Opportunities for Service Learning at each Grade Level

Kindergarten and 1st Grade - “Celtics in Mission with the Poor”
Students learn about how we can help those who are poor and serve with our parish Hands of Hope program.

2nd Grade - “Celtics in Mission with Children”
Students will learn about and have opportunities for service to children through Catholic Charities and the Parents as Teachers project.

3rd Grade  - “Celtics in Mission with the Elderly”
Students will learn about the elderly and engage in service to those in our parish and local community.

4th Grade  - “Celtics in Mission with the Hungry”
Students learn about people who are hungry and have service opportunities through our parish St. Vincent de Paul Society.

5th Grade  - “Celtics in Mission with the Poor”
Students learn about how Mother Teresa served the poor and have service opportunities through her Missionaries of Charity who assist "the poorest of the poor" in Phoenix.

6th Grade  - “Celtics in Mission with Children with Special Needs”
Students will learn about children with special needs and have service opportunities through the Foundation for Blind Children.

7th Grade - “Celtics in Mission Internationally”

Students learn about and fund-raise to support Mary Hill Primary School, and have a direct service opportunity through Feed My Starving Children.

8th Grade – “Celtics in Mission with the Poor”

Students learn about poverty and homelessness, and have service opportunities by supporting Mary Hill Primary School in Uganda and working locally at the St. Vincent DePaul dining room.

Opportunities for us to Serve Together as a School Community

We engage as a school community in service learning through projects during our Advent Adopt-A-Family outreach.  We partner with the Missionaries of Charity at Our Lady of Fatima Mission in South Phoenix to help families in great need during Christmas.  During our Lenten Hearts of Hope outreach, we partner with Mary Hill Primary School in Uganda to help their students with food and school supplies.


Serving together as a family is a wonderful way to model Christian discipleship to children and to grow in your faith together as a family. Celtics in Mission provides opportunities for students and families to serve together in a variety of ways at the grade level projects and through our school-wide projects.

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